1. ホーム
  2. 「test」の検索結果




大文字/小文字を区別 | 正規表現で検索

例:サービス 料金

Happy Ffffriday!!

Happy Ffffriday!!! How was everyone's week? I hope it was fantastic ☺ At Angel Heart, it surely was amazing. Some of the kids who have just began learning English are improving so much already! No more shyness or hesitation! It really seems like they've broken the language barrier and are enjoying playing, conversing, and learning in English.



Today, we made C for caterpillar crafts! 

We had fun filling the C shape with lots of colored paper. The small kids especially did a spectacular job with their Cs. The bigger kids did great on their test!

今週のアルファベットはCでした!Cの形をしたキャタピラーに様々な色の紙をペタペタ貼ってCの形を覚えていきます。みんな素晴らしい作品ができましたね!ビッグキッズはスペリングテストがありました!うp(^_^)q can, cow, coin, car, cakeみんなよく覚えましたね♪


Also, we took a tiny field trip to the nearby park! It was a gorgeous day, and the kids definitely enjoyed it. Take a look! :)


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How Far I'll Go♪

Hello everybody! What a beautiful and sunny day (^◇^)It's even a little bit too hot so we're making sure to ventilate well and take waterbreaks frequently!




I'm excited to say we have started a new


Moana's "How Far I'll go"!!


It is a challening song, but ithas a great message. We should strive beyond our boundaries to better and challenge ourselves. I suggest everyone to watch the movie in English to practice the song (and also just because it's a great film for the whole family)  





This week's letter is B! So we made B for butterfly! Good job everyone! The big kids will have a test on Friday on the spelling of book, ball, bat, boy, and bring.

今週のアルファベットはBです!Bから始まるかわいい手形バタフライ。みんな上手にできましねビッグキッズは金曜日book,ball, bat, boy, bringのスペリングテストがあるのでお勉強がんばりましょう(^.^)




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☆We had a lots of fun☆

Hello all!!! Brr... it's freezing outside, but no problem for the Angel kids! Energetic as ever, learning, laughing, singing, & playing nonstop! I can't help but feel warm inside and out watching them enjoy their day. It's really not an exageration to say the childrens' energy saves me from the cold & dreary winter days.

Enough about winter coldness! Today, we learned many new vocabulary and topics, starting with speed, animals, comparitives, & superlatives. The kids had to order the things from slowEST to fastEST. Or in other words, who's slowER & fastER. (These are superlative & comparitives) Later we played a game with slow, fast, stop while pretending to be various animals like snails, bunnies, penguins!

After lots of singing, dancing, and word games we learned about Thailand to end the day. Learning about other countries, cultures, and languages enables us to reflect on our own country as well as compare and contrast English speaking countries. We learned words such as coconut, elephant-riding, Buddhism, religion, flag, and map. It's always a joy to see the children so interested in other countries. To finish off the lesson, they made elephants with colorful mats on top to show how they are ridden in Thailand. They all turned out beautiful & unique, just like each indivdual child.

Now, take a look at their wonderful creations and other pictures from today's English learning adventure! ♪




dance and learned about seven continents

hello , guys ! Today we have dance lesson that kids like pretty much ! Fortunately theyre just working on dancing serioiusly . we are so glad that they are so earger to everything we've done at school . and we had learned about seven continents and disscussed about it through giving the questions like why is africa  hottest continents , which of animals comes from australia , how much of the earth is covered in water etc... it would be interesting to give them  the same questions at home . there might be something which not known for you . see you next time !!

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先生の質問に対して、大きな声で自信いっぱいに発言する子もいれば、天井を見上げてフリーズする子もいたり、(でもその後しっかり思い出していましたよ(^-^) とさまざまな様子が見て取れました。
Big Kidsに至っては、Phonicsの成果が出ている子が目立ち、簡単な単語(3文字程度)であれば読むことができています! みんなお勉強するとき・お話しをちゃんと聞く時・思いっきりはじける時の区別をしっかりつけて毎日をニコニコで過ごしていますよ(^-^)/

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今回のSTEP TEST 英検の結果がかえってきました!
Bravi! それぞれとっても頑張りました!

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英検は自分のStep up にもなりますし、資格としても役にたちます。



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杉並区和田1-15-12 井上ビルF1~F3
Tel : 0120-888-115
Mail : info@angelheart-preschool.com
定休日 : 土曜・日曜・祝日
最寄り駅 : 中野富士見町・東高円寺・新中野

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